Boiler Parts

A wide variety of both raw materials and components, besides auxiliary plant and equipment, are required to construct a boiler plant. Materials employed in boiler making can be broadly classified as shown in Table 5.1.

Depending on the type of boiler and its scope, each of the three items in Table 5.1 con­tributes to —30 to 40% of the cost of the boiler plant. In a typical industrial plant, the com­mon bought-outs (BOs) are often included in the scope of boilers, whereas in larger boilers, item 3c is excluded.

If the BOs are taken out, the boiler is primarily steel and BRIL, with steel divided into boiler steels and structural steels for items 1 and 2, respectively. With the exception of aluminum sheets required for cladding the boiler, there is no requirement for nonferrous materials.

Parts of a Boiler

S. No



Consisting Mainly


Pressure parts

Pressure-holding parts, mainly FW,

Drums, tubes, pipes, headers, tanks, forgings,


Drum water, and steam

And castings


Nonpressure parts (NPPs)

Fabricated items

Structure, flues and ducts, casing and hopper, tubular air heater (AH), cyclones, BRIL


Bought-outs (BOs)

Equipments procured from others

Valves, mountings and fittings, soot blowers, attemperators, fans, electrostatic precipitator (ESP), rotary AH


Firing equipment

Mills, burners, burner management system (BMS), stoker, feeders, air nozzles for fluidized bed combustion (FBC), hot gas generators


Common BOs

Common for the total plant with one or more boilers

Feed pumps, deaerator, ash handling plant, coal handling plant, oil storage, P&H units, gas conditioning skid


BRIL stands for bricks, refractory, insulation, and lagging.

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