
Initially, it was assumed that the hardened resins would be spent by the reaction of carbon monoxide formation, but the analysis of the device functioning showed that they are involved in the synthesis of methane, which has already been described. This device produces a gas mixture, the combustion of which requires much more air than the previous one. The same distinctive bright pink shade of originally hot gas in the simplest burner device and additional warming up of the apparatus body indicate the formation of methane. Understanding that this methane is not of pyrolytic origins allowed to conclude that itis rather synthesized in the apparatus, and to describe the presumable mechanism of its formation. The process involves only the hydrogen coming from the bowels of the charcoal, whereas the rest of the hydrogen, which results from the decomposition of water, does not participate in carbon methanation process, due to the insufficient pressure. As the water is decomposed, the oxygen, thus formed, reacts with carbon to form carbon dioxide, which is later restored to carbon monoxide. Hydrogen remains in the free state in the mixture. The potential of potassium carbonate in this device is used poorly. We see the vapor — the smoke flow, which already contains no resins. They have condensed in a layer on the fuel. It is this flow, mixed with the air, that is returned into the oxidation zone of the third device, which was manufactured based on the analysis of the work of the previous two. Theoretically, it is possible to work the wood gas generator using dense, fast-growing tropical timber, without any prior preparation, ther than grinding. To do this, at least the improvement ofthe third model is needed, changing its structure in such a way as to increase the intake of the fuel, so that its layer will undergo a quick drying to avoid explosion of wood pieces. The second condition is the addition of a refrigerator to the device that will condense excessive moisture from the stream returned by the oxidation zone. In the total balance some substances will be lost, condensing together with moisture. This gas generator can be used as a fuel gas source, for example, powering the engines of boats operating in the Amazon, which might be of interest to local shipowners, as the fuel can be replenished in any convenient place, both down and up the river. Tropical vegetation recovers very quickly, so that there will be no permanent damage to theecosystem. However, the claim that a gas generator with such properties will activate should wait till the manufacture of the proper prototype will take place. The conclusions on the gas composition are based solely on the theory, and have not yet been confirmed by gas analyses by the help of special devices, as I do not possess such equipment. In the event if someone who has the gas analyzing equipment and is interested to make an analysis of the gas mixture, the device will be installed at the following address: Chisinau, str. Zavodskaia, 249. As I become aware of the composition of the gas at different operation modes, when using different raw materials, I will get a possibility to make up the algorithms of the process regulation for the production of gas generators for various applications with the most appropriate gas compositionfor each particular use. The gas generator can be equipped with a means of electronic control for all processes.
In view of the fact that the gas mixture of my gas generator does not contain unwanted substances inherent to the classic wood gas generators (pyrolysis hydrocarbons, acetic acid, methanol, carbon dioxide) and is a mixture of pure synthetic gases not capable of condensation, this gas generator can be used in placesof which no one could even think of before.

For a complete combustion of all components of the gas mixture produced by this gas generator, less air is required than for methane. For a propane-butane mixture — more air. Enrichment of the gas mixture produced by the gas generator with propane-butane vapors results in the formation of a gas mixture with the combustion properties of methane. This gas mixture can be used in any device used for direct combustion of methane and can provide for the autonomous gas supply of various units.

Once comprised with non-condensable gases, vapors of propane-butane lose the ability to condense. This fact gives the possibility of creation of a gasoline station not «tied» to the natural gas tube. The gas, dry and devoid of dust, undergoes cold carburetting to be enriched with vapors of propane-butane and compressed to pressure 6 ÷ 12 kg/cm2. This is the replacement of the tube led to the methane gas station. Passive and active cars-tankers supply gas to various consumers away from gas stations. When the gas pipeline would reach this point, the container equipment can be moved further inland, to the territories subject to development. Initially a small correction in ignition in some cars will be needed, after which both the methane and the alternative refueling can be filled up, regardless of any other gas residue in the tank .

The video presents the work of gas stove on a gas mixture of the gas generator (presented at the beginning) which was collected using domestic air compressor without any purification. In a gas stove were used special nozzles/orifices.

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