8.1 Estimating surface area of heat transfer equipment; overall heat trans
Fer coefficient; approximating overall heat transfer coefficient in water tube boilers, fire tube boilers, and air heaters; log-mean temperature difference
8.2 Estimating tube-side heat transfer coefficient; simplified expression for
Estimating tube-side coefficient
8.3 Estimating tube-side coefficient for air, flue gas, water, and steam
8.4 Estimating heat transfer coefficient outside tubes
8.5 Estimating convective heat transfer coefficient outside tubes using
Grimson’s correlations
8.6 Effect of in-line vs. staggered arrangement
8.07a Evaluating nonluminous radiation heat transfer using Hottel’s charts
8.07b Nonluminous radiation using equations
8.08a Predicting heat transfer in boiler furnaces
8.08b Design of radiant section for heat recovery application
8.09a Evaluating distribution of radiation to tube banks
8.09b Estimating the temperature of a lance inside boiler enclosure
8.11 Effect of gas velocity, tube size on fire tube boiler size
8.12 Computing heat flux, tube wall temperatures
8.13 Effect of scale formation on tube wall temperature and boiler perforMance
8.14 Design of water tube boilers
8.15a Predicting off-design performance
8.15b Logic for off-design performance evaluation for water tube boilers
8.16 Estimating metal temperature in a boiler superheater tube; thermal resistances in heat transfer; calculating heat flux
8.17 Predicting performance of fire tube and water tube boilers
8.18 Why finned tubes are used and their design aspects
8.19a Heat transfer and pressure drop in finned tubes using ESCOA correla
8.19b Heat transfer in finned tubes using Briggs and Young correlation
8.19c Predicting the performance of a finned tube superheater
8.20 Sizing of finned tube evaporator
8.21 Comparison of bare tube and finned tube boilers
8.22 In-line versus staggered arrangement
8.23 Effect of tube-side heat transfer on fin configuration
8.24 Effect of tube-side fouling on bare and finned tube boilers
8.25 Estimating weight of finned tubes
8.26 Effect of fin thickness and conductivity on boiler performance and tube and fin tip temperatures
8.27a Is surface area an important criterion for boiler selection?
8.27b Optimization of a finned evaporator surface
8.28 Design of tubular air heaters
8.29 Off-design performance of air heaters
8.30 Predicting performance of economizers using NTU method
8.31 Evaluating natural convection heat transfer coefficients in air
8.32 Natural convection heat transfer in liquids
8.33 Determining size of coil/tube bundle immersed in liquids
8.34 Evaluating gas/steam temperature profiles in HRSGs
8.35a Simulating off-design performance
8.35b A simplified approach to determining auxiliary fuel requirement in an
8.36 Why gas exit temperature cannot be assumed in HRSGs
8.37 How to optimize temperature profiles in HRSGs
8.38 Efficiency of HRSGs according to ASME Power Test Code
8.39a Effect of fresh air fan size on HRSG performance
8.39b Performance of a multipressure HRSG in fresh air-fired mode
8.40 How to evaluate operating costs in HRSGs
8.41 Why economizer steaming occurs in gas turbine HRSGs
8.42 Why water tube boilers are preferred to fire tube boilers for gas turbine applications
8.43 Why 10% increase in surface area does not mean 10% more duty in boilers or heat transfer equipment
8.44a Time required to heat up boilers
8.44b Transient heating of a superheater bundle
8.44c Transient response of a water tube evaporator to cutoff in heat input and
Feedwater supply
8.44d Response of a water tube evaporator when steam demand increases and feedwater supply is cut off 8.45a Parameters to be considered in testing performance of HRSGs
8.45b Evaluating HRSG performance from operating data
8.46 Estimating boiling heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux in water
Tube boilers
8.47a Relating heat flux, steam pressure, quality, flow in water tube boilers
8.47b Estimating critical heat flux in fire tube boilers
8.47c Estimating critical heat flux in a fire tube boiler; correcting for bundle
8.48 Simplified approach to designing fire tube boilers
8.49 Simplified approach to designing water tube boilers
8.50 Estimating tube bundle size
8.51 Estimating thickness of insulation for flat and curved surfaces; effect of
Wind velocity; estimating thickness to limit surface temperatures
8.52 Estimating surface temperature of given thickness of insulation; trial- and-error procedure to determine casing temperature
8.53 Sizing insulation to prevent freezing; determining water dew point
8.54a Estimating heat loss from pipes for various insulation thicknesses
8.54b Estimating temperature drop of fluids in insulated piping
8.55 Optimum thickness of insulation; life-cycle costing; annual heat loss and capitalized cost; annual heat loss if no insulation is used
8.56 Design of hot casing
8.57 Temperature of duct or stack wall with and without insulation
8.58 Effect of wind velocity, casing emissivity on heat loss
8.59a Checking for noise and vibration problems in heat transfer equipment
8.59b Determining natural frequency of vibration of a tube bundle
8.59c Computing acoustic frequency
8.59d Determining vortex shedding frequency
8.59e Checking for bundle vibrations
8.59f Checks for tube bundle vibration using damping and fluid elastic instability criteria
8.60 Estimating specific heat, viscosity, and thermal conductivity for a gas mixture
8.61 Effect of gas analysis on heat transfer
8.62 Effect of gas pressure on heat transfer
8.63 Converting gas analysis from weight to volume basis
8.64 Effect of gas pressure and analysis on design of fire tube boiler
How is the surface area of heat transfer equipment determined? What terms can be neglected while evaluating the overall heat transfer coefficient in boilers, economizers, and superheaters?
The energy transferred in heat transfer equipment, Q, is given by the basic equation
Q = U x A x A T (1)
Wh Ahh = Wc Ahc (2)
A = surface area, ft2 W = fluid flow, lb/h
Ah = change in enthalpy (subscripts h and c stand for hot and cold)
AT = corrected log-mean temperature difference, °F U = overall heat transfer coefficient, Btu/ft2h °F
For extended surfaces, U can be obtained from [1] 1 A A
U = h~At + ff ‘■x A + ff o+
At d, d 1
— x——- x In — H——
Aw 24Km dt zh0
At = surface area of finned tube, ft2/ft A,- = tube inner surface area = %di/12, ft2/ft Aw = average wall surface area = p(d + d,)/24, ft2/ft Km = thermal conductivity of the tube wall, Btu/fth °F
D, d, = tube outer and inner diameter, in. ff,, ffo = fouling factors inside and outside the tubes, ft2h °F/Btu h,, ho = tube-side and gas-side coefficients, Btu/ft2h °F Z = fin effectiveness
If bare tubes are used instead of finned tubes, At = pd/12.
Equation (3) can be simplified to
1 d 1 d d
U = hd + ho+ 24k; x d
D (4)
+ ff, x d + ffo
Where ho is the outside coefficient.
Now let us take the various cases.
Water Tube Boilers, Economizers, and Superheaters
The gas-side heat transfer coefficient ho is significant; the other terms can be neglected. In a typical bare tube economizer, for example, h, = 1500 Btu/ft2 h °F, ff, and ffo = 0.001 ft2h °F/Btu, and ho = 12 Btu/ft2 h °F. d = 2.0 in., d, = 1.5 in., and Km = 25 Btu/fth °F.
Substituting into Eq. (4) yields
1 2.0 1 2.0 , 2
— ——————— 1—- 1———— x ln —
U 1500 x 1.5 12 24 x 25 1.5
+ 0.001 x 20 + 0.001 = 0.0874
U = 11.44 Btu/ft2 h °F
Thus we see that the overall coefficient is close to the gas-side coefficient, which is the highest thermal resistance. The metal thermal resistance and the tube-side resistance are not high enough to change the resistance distribution much.
However, in a liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger, all the resistances will be of the same order, and hence none of the resistances can be neglected.
TOC o "1-5" h z Even if finned tubes were used in the case above, with At/A, = 9 substituted into Eq. (3), U = 9.3 Btu/ft2 h °F, which is close to ho. Thus, while trying to
Figure U for economizers, water tube boilers, or gas-to-liquid heat exchangers, U
May be written as
U = 0.8 to 0.9 x ho (5)
Ho is large, on the order of 1000-1500Btu/ft2h°F, whereas h, will be about 10- 12Btu/ft2h °F. Again, using Eq. (4), it can be shown that
U h x d (6)
All the other thermal resistances can be seen to be very small, and U approaches the tube-side coefficient h,.
Gas-to-Gas Heat Exchangers (Example: Air Heater in Boiler Plant)
In gas-to-gas heat transfer equipment, both hi and ho are small and comparable, while the other coefficients are high.
Assuming that ho = 10 and hi = 15, and using the tube configuration above,
-4 |
2.0 1
+ —- + 0.001 + 9.6 x 10
U 15 x 1.5 10
+ 0.001 x 15 = 0.1922
U = 5.2 Btu/ft2 h °F
Simplifying Eq. (4), neglecting the metal resistance term and fouling, we obtain
H:d:/d , ,
U=hox hoiim (7)
Thus both ho and h, contribute to U.
AT, the corrected log-mean temperature difference, can be estimated from
AT — AT —
AT = FT x —ATmm_
Where FT is the correction factor for flow arrangement. For counterflow cases, FT = 1.0. For other types of flow, textbooks may be referred to for FT. It varies from 0.6 to 0.95 [2]. ATmax and ATmin are the maximum and minimum terminal differences.
In a heat exchanger the hotter fluid enters at 1000°F and leaves at 400°F, while the colder fluid enters at 250°F and leaves at 450°F. Assuming counterflow, we have
ATmax = 1000 — 450 = 550°F ATmin = 400 — 250 = 150°F
550 — 150
AT = mc55i07T50) = 307°F
How is the tube-side heat transfer coefficient ht estimated?
The widely used expression for ht is [1]
TOC o "1-5" h z Nu = 0.023 Re0 8 Pr0 4 (8)
Where the Nusselt number is
Nu = пЙ (9)
The Reynolds number is
Wd, , ,
Re = 15.2—, (10)
Where w is the flow in the tube in lb/h, and the Prandtl number is
Pr=mi (ii)
M = viscosity, lb/fth Cp = specific heat, Btu/lb °F k = thermal conductivity, Btu/fth °F
All estimated at the fluid bulk temperature.
Substituting Eqs. (9)-(11) into Eq. (8) and simplifying, we have
W°-8k°-6CS’4 w°-8C
Hi = 2’44 x d/V4 = 2’44 x "dp" (12)
Where C is a factor given by
-‘p |
K 0’6c0’4
M0’4 |
C = ■
C is available in the form of charts for various fluids [1] as a function of temperature. For air and flue gases, C may be taken from Table 8.1.
For hot water flowing inside tubes, Eq. (8) has been simplified and, for t < 300°F, can be written as [3]
H, — = (150 + 1.550-^ (13)
V = velocity, ft/s t = water temperature, °F
For very viscous fluids, Eq. (8) has to be corrected by the term involving viscosities at tube wall temperature and at bulk temperature [1].
Estimate h, when 200 lb/h of air at 800°F and atmospheric pressure flows in a tube of inner diameter 1.75 in.
Table 8.1 Factor C for Air and Flue Gases
Using Table 8.1 And Eq. (12), we have C = 0.187.
0 187
H = 2.44 x 2000 8 x ‘ ia = 11.55 Btu/f2 h °F ‘ 1.7518
W = flow, lb/h
Dt = inner diameter, in.
For gases at high pressures, Ref. 1 gives the C values. (See also p. 531.)
In an economizer, 50,000 lb/h of water at an average temperature of 250°F flows in a pipe of inner diameter 2.9in. Estimate ht.
Let us use Eq. (13). First the velocity has to be calculated. From Q5.07a,
V = 0.05(wv/dt2). v, the specific volume of hot water at 250°F, is 0.017 cuft/lb. Then, t
V = 0.05 x 50,000 x -2-^ = 5.05 ft/s |
J00 x
Hence, from Eq. (13),
5 05°’8
H- = (150 + 1.55 x 250) x —= 1586 Btu/ft2 h °F
Estimate the heat transfer coefficient when 4000lb/h of superheated steam at 500psia and an average temperature of 750°F flows inside a tube of inner diameter 1.5in.
Using Table 8.2, we see that C = 0.318. From Eq (12)
Ht = 2.44 x 4000—X80 318 = 285 Btu/ft2 h °F 1.518
If steam were saturated, C = 0.383 and ht = 343 Btu/ft2 h°F.
Pressure (psia)
How is the outside gas heat transfer coefficient ho in boilers, air heaters, economizers, and superheaters determined?
The outside gas heat transfer coefficient ho is the sum of the convective heat transfer coefficient hc and nonluminous heat transfer coefficient.
Ho = hc + (14)
For finned tubes, ho should be corrected for fin effectiveness. is usually small
If the gas temperature is less than 800°F and can be neglected.
A conservative estimate of hc for flow of fluids over bare tubes in in-line and staggered arrangements is given by [1]
Nu = 0.33 Re0 6 Pr033 (15)
Substituting, we have the Reynolds, Nusselt, and Prandtl numbers
Nu=M (17)
Pr = ^ (18)
G = gas mass velocity, lb/ft2 h d = tube outer diameter, in. m = gas viscosity, lb/fth k = gas thermal conductivity, Btu/fth °F Cp = gas specific heat, Btu/lb °F
All the gas properties above are to be evaluated at the gas film temperature. Substituting Eqs. (16)-(18) into Eq. (15) and simplifying, we have
Hc = °.9G°’6 ^ (19)
F = k061 ^ (20)
Factor F has been computed for air and flue gases, and a good estimate is given in Table 8.3.
The gas mass velocity G is given by
G = 12 —————— (21)
NwL(St — d) v ;
Nw = number of tubes wide ST = transverse pitch, in.
L = tube length, ft Wg = gas flow, lb/h
Table 8.3 F Factor for Air and Flue Gases
For quick estimates, gas film temperature f can be taken as the average of gas and fluid temperature inside the tubes.
Determine the gas-side convective heat transfer coefficient for a bare tube superheater tube of diameter 2.0 in. with the following parameters:
Gas flow = 150,000lb/h Gas temperature = 900°F Average steam temperature = 500°F Number of tubes wide =12 Length of the tubes = 10.5 ft Transverse pitch = 4.0 in.
Longitudinal pitch = 3.5in. (staggered)
Solution. Estimate G. From Eq. (21),
G =12 x -—»T9—r — = 7142 lb/ft2 h 12 x 10 . 5 x (4 — 2) ‘
Using Table 8.3, at a film temperature of 700°F, F = 0.113. Hence,
Hc = 0 . 9 x 71420 6 x 0143 = 15 . 8 Btu/ft2 h °F
Because the gas temperature is not high, the hN value will be low, so
U « ho « hc = 15 . 8 Btu/ft2 h °F
(Film temperature may be taken as the average of gas and steam temperatures, for preliminary estimates. If an accurate estimate is required, temperature drops across the various thermal resistances as discussed in Q8.16a must be determined.)
The convective heat transfer coefficient obtained by the above method or Grimson’s method can be modified to include the effect of angle of attack a of the gas flow over the tubes. The correction factor Fn is 1 for perpendicular flow and decreases as shown in Table 8.4 for other angles [1].
If, for example, hc = 15 and the angle of attack is 60°, then hc =
0. 94 x 15 = 14 .1 Btu/ft2 h °F.
Table 8.4 Correction Factor for Angle of Attack
8.05 Q:
How is the convective heat transfer coefficient for air and flue gases determined using Grimson’s correlation?
Grimson’s correlation, which is widely used for estimating hc [1], is
Nu = B x ReN (22)
Coefficient B and power N are given in Table 8.5.
150,0 lb/h of flue gases having an analysis (vol%) of CO2 = 12, H2O = 12, N2 = 70, and O2 = 6 flows over a tube bundle having 2 in. OD tubes at 4 in. square pitch. Tubes per row = 18; length = 10 ft. Determine hc if the fluid temperature is 353°F and average gas temperature is 700°F. The Appendix tables give the properties of gases.
At a film temperature of 0.5 x (353 + 700) = 526°F, Cp = 0.2695, m = 0.0642 and k = 0.02344. Then mass velocity G is
G = 12 x——— 150000———— = 5000 lb/ft2 h
18 x 10 x (4 — 2) ‘
Table 8.5 Grimson’s Values of B and N
5000 x 2
Re =—————— = 12,980
12 x 0.0642
H v 2
Nu = 0.229 x 12,980°•632 = 91 = ■ c
12 x 0.02344 or
Hc = 12 . 8 Btu/ft2 h °F
Compare in-line versus staggered arrangements of plain tubes from the point of View of heat transfer and pressure drop considerations. In a waste heat boiler
180,0 lb/h of flue gases at 880°F are cooled to 450°F generating steam at 150psig. The gas analysis is (vol%) CO2 = 7, H2O = 12, N2 = 75, and O2 = 6. Tube OD = 2 in.; tubes/row = 24; length = 7.5 ft. Compare the cases when tubes are arranged in in-line and staggered fashion with transverse pitch = 4 in. and longitudinal spacing varying from 1.5 to 3in.
Using Grimson’s correlation, the convective heat transfer coefficient hc was computed for the various cases. The nonluminous coefficient was neglected due to the low gas temperature. The surface area and the number of rows deep required were also computed along with gas pressure drop. The results are shown in Table 8.6.
Gas mass velocity G = „180 .00^X 12— = 6000 lb/ft2 h J 24 x (4 — 2) x 7 . 5
Table 8.6 In-Line Versus Staggered Arrangement of Bare Tubes
Average gas temperature = 0.5 x (880 + 450)/2 = 665°F, and film temperature is about 525°F.
Cp = 0.2706, m = 0.06479, k = 0.02367 at gas film temperature and Cp = 0.2753 at the average gas temperature.
6000 x 2 ,
Re =——————- = 15,434
12 x 0.06479
Duty Q = 180,000 x 0.99 x 0.2753 x (880 — 450) = 21 MMBtu/h Saturation temperature = 366°F.
(880 — 366) — (450 — 366)
AT = log-mean temperature difference = ■
Ln[(880 — 366)/(450 — 366)] = 237°F
With SL/d = 1.5 in-line, we have the values for B and N from Table 8.5:
B = 0.101 and N = 0.702 Hence
0.702 ——— ’ 2
Nu = 0.101 x 15,434 = 88.0 = hc x
12 x 0.02367
Hc = 12.5
Because other resistances are small, U = 0.95hc = 11.87 Btu/ft2 h °F.
21 x 106
A = ———- —— = 7465 = 3.14 x 2 x 24 x 7.5Nd/12
237 x 11.87 d
Or the number of rows deep Nd = 79.
The friction factor f, using the method discussed in Q7.27, is
F = 15,434~°,15(0.044 + 0.08 x 1.5) = 0.0386
Average gas density = 0.0347 lb/ft3
_1(1 2 0.0386
Gas pressure drop = 9.3 x 10 10 x 60002 x 79 x————— = 2.95 in. WC
F F 0.0347
The calculations for the other cases are summarized in Table 8.6.
1. The staggered arrangement of bare tubes does not have a significant impact on the heat transfer coefficient when the longitudinal spacing exceeds 2, which is typical in steam generators. Ratios lower than 1.5 are not used, owing to potential fouling concerns or low ligament efficiency.
2. The gas pressure drop is much higher for the staggered arrangement. Hence, with bare tube boilers the in-line arrangement is preferred. However, with finned tubes, the staggered arrangement is comparable with the in-line and slightly better in a few cases. This is discussed later.
8.07a Q:
How is the nonluminous radiation heat transfer coefficient evaluated?
In engineering heat transfer equipment such as boilers, fired heaters, and process steam superheaters where gases at high temperatures transfer energy to fluid inside tubes, nonluminous heat transfer plays a significant role. During combustion of fossil fuels such as coal oil, or gas—triatomic gases—for example, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide—are formed, which contribute to radiation. The emissivity pattern of these gases has been studied by Hottel, and charts are available to predict gas emissivity if gas temperature, partial pressure of gases, and beam length are known.
Net interchange of radiation between gases and surroundings (e. g., a wall or tube bundle or a cavity) can be written as
Sg = emissivity of gases at Tg
Ag = absorptivity at To
Tg = absolute temperature of gas, °R
To = absolute temperature of tube surface, °R
Sg is given by
(24) |
Sg = Sc + ZSw — As
Ag is calculated similarly at To. z is the correction factor for the water pressure, and As is the decrease in emissivity due to the presence of water vapor and carbon dioxide.
Although it is desirable to calculate heat flux by (23), it is tedious to estimate ag at temperature To. Considering the fact that T4 will be much smaller
Than Tg4, with a very small loss of accuracy we can use the following simplified equation, which lends itself to further manipulations.
(25) |
Q = SЈg(Tg — T) = hN (Tg — To)
The nonluminous heat transfer coefficient hN can be written as
To estimate hN, partial pressures of triatomic gases and beam length L are required. L is a characteristic dimension that depends on the shape of the enclosure. For a bundle of tubes interchanging radiation with gases, it can be shown that
L is taken approximately as 3.4-3.6 times the volume of the space divided by the
Surface area of the heat-receiving surface. For a cavity of dimensions a, b and c,
1. 7 |
L = |
2(ab + bc + ca) 1/a + 1/b + 1/c |
3 . 4 x abc |
![]() |
In the case of fire tube boilers, L = di.
Sg can be estimated using Figs. 8.1a-8.1d, which give ec, ew, z, and As, respectively. For purposes of engineering estimates, radiation effects of SO2 can be taken as similar to those of CO2. Hence, partial pressures of CO2 and SO2 can be added and Fig. 8.1 used to get sc.
Determine the beam length L if ST = 5in., SL = 3.5 in., and d = 2 in.
= 7.8 in. |
L = 1. 08 x |
5 x 3. 5 — 0 . 785 x 4
In a fired heater firing a waste gas, CO2 in flue gases = 12% and H2O = 16%. The gases flow over a bank of tubes in the convective section where tubes are arranged as in Example 1 (hence L = 7.8). Determine hN if tg = 1650°F and to = 600°F.
FIgure 8.1a Emissivity of carbon dioxide. (From Ref 1.) |
TOC o "1-5" h z PcL = 0.12 x — = 0.078 atm ft c 12
7 8
PwL = 0.16 x — = 0.104 atm ft w 12
In Fig. 8.1a at Tg = (1650 + 460) = 2110°R and PcL = 0.078, sc = 0.065. In Fig. 8.1b, at Tg = 2110°R and PwL = 0.104, sw = 0.05. IN Fig. 8.1c, corresponding to (P + Pw)/2 = 1.16/2 = 0.58 and PwL = 0.104, z = 1.1. In Fig. 8.1d,
FIgure 8.1b Emissivity of water vapor. (From Ref 1.) |
Corresponding to Pw/(Pc + Pw) = 0 .16/0 . 28 and (Pc + Pw)L = 0 .182, As : 0.002. Hence,
Sg = 0.065 + (1.1 x 0.05) — 0.002 = 0.118
Using Eq. (26) with the Boltzmann constant a = 0 .173 x 10-8,
21104 — 10604
2110 — 1060 |
HN = 0 .173 x 10-8 x 0 .118 x ■ = 3. 6 Btu/ft2 h °F Thus, hN can be evaluated for gases.
FIgure 8.1c, d (c) Correction factor for emissivity of water vapor. (d) Correction term due to presence of water vapor and carbon dioxide. (From Ref 1.) |
8.07b Q:
Can gas emissivity be estimated using equations?
Gas emissivity can be obtained as follows. hN is given by Eq. (26),
T4- t
1 g o
HN = asg ————-
N g T ______ T
Tg To
A = Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 0.173 x 10 8 Tg and To = gas and tube outer wall temperature, °R
Sg, gas emissivity, is obtained from Hottel’s charts or from the expression
Eg = 0.9 x (1 — e-KL) (28a)
(0.8 +1.6pw)x(1 — 0.38Tg/1000)
K =——————— u,—————- r x (Fc +Fw) (28b)
V(pc +pw)L
Tg is in K. L is the beam length in meters, and pc and pw are the partial pressures of carbon dioxide and water vapor in atm. L, the beam length, can be estimated for a tube bundle by Eq. (27a),
L =1.08 x ST xSL -°.785d2
ST and SL are the transverse pitch and longitudinal pitch. Methods of estimating pc and pw are given in Chapter 5.
In a boiler superheater with bare tubes, the average gas temperature is 1600°F and the tube metal temperature is 700°F. Tube size is 2.0 in., and transverse pitch ST = longitudinal pitch SL = 4.0 in. Partial pressures of water vapor and carbon dioxide are pw = 0.12, pc = 0.16. Determine the nonluminous heat transfer coefficient.
From Eq. (27a), the beam length L is calculated.
4 x 4 — 0:785 x 2 x 2
L = 1.08 x———————————
= 6.9 in. = 0.176 m
Using Eq. (28b) with Tg = (1600 — 32)/1.8 + 273 = 1114 K, we obtain
(0.8 + 1.6 x 0.12) x(1 — 0.38 x 1.114) A
K =——————— . —————- x 0.28
0:28 x 0:176
= 0:721 From Eq. (28a),
Sg = 0.9 x [1 — exp(-0.721 x 0.176)] = 0.107 Then, from Eq. (26),
8 20604 — 11604
HN = 0.173 x 0.107 x 10-8 x 1600 — 700 = 3.33 Btu/ft2 h °F
8.08a Q:
How is heat transfer in a boiler furnace evaluated?
Furnace heat transfer is a complex phenomenon, and a single formula or correlation cannot be prescribed for sizing furnaces of all types. Basically, it is an energy balance between two fluids—gas and a steam-water mixture. Heat transfer in a boiler furnace is predominantly radiation, partly due to the luminous part of the flame and partly due to nonluminous gases. A general approximate expression can be written for furnace absorption using an energy approach:
Qf = ApSw Sf s(Tg — To4)
= Wf LHV — Wghe )
Gas temperature (Tg) is defined in many ways; some authors define it as the exit gas temperature itself. Some put it as the mean of the theoretical flame temperature and te. However, plant experience shows that better agreement between measured and calculated values prevails when tg = tc + 300 to 400°F [1]. The emissivity of a gaseous flame is evaluated as follows [1]:
Sf = p(1 — e-KPL) (30)
P characterizes flame-filling volumes.
P = 1.0 for nonluminous flames = 0.75 for luminous sooty flames of liquid fuels = 0.65 for luminous and semiluminous flames of solid fuels L = beam length, m
К = attenuation factor, which depends on fuel type and presence of ash and its concentration. For a nonluminous flame it is
K = 0-8 + (1 — 0.38Te/1000) (pc + pw) (28b)
V(pc + pw)L
For a semiluminous flame, the ash particle size and concentration enter into the calculation:
0 :8 + 1 :6pw
K = , (1 — 0.38Te/1000) (pc + pw)
V(pc + pw)L
1 ‘/3
Dm = the mean effective diameter of ash particles, in mm dm = 13 for coals ground in ball mills
= 16 for coals ground in medium — and high-speed mills = 20 for combustion of coals milled in hammer mills m = ash concentration in g/N m3 Te = furnace exit temperature, K
For a luminous oil or gas flame,
K=їж — 05 <28d>
Pw and pc are partial pressures of water vapor and carbon dioxide in the flue gas.
The above equations give only a trend. A wide variation could exist due to the basic combustion phenomenon itself. Again, the flame does not fill the furnace fully. Unfilled portions are subjected to gas radiation only, the emissivity of which (0.15-0.30) is far below that of the flame. Hence, decreases. Godridge reports that in a pulverized coal-fired boiler, emissivity varied as follows with respect to location [3]:
TOC o "1-5" h z Excess air 15% 25%
Furnace exit 0.6 0.5
Middle 0.7 0.6
Also, furnace tubes coated with ferric oxide have emissivities, sw, of the order of
0. 8, depending on whether a slag layer covers them. Soot blowing changes sw considerably. Thus, only an estimate of Sf and sw can be obtained, which varies with type of unit, fuel, and operation regimes.
To illustrate these concepts, a few examples are worked out. The purpose is only to show the effect of variables like excess air and heat release rates on furnace absorption and furnace exit gas temperature.
Determine the approximate furnace exit gas temperature of a boiler when net heat input is about 2000 x 106Btu/h, of which 1750 x 106Btu/h is due to fuel and the rest is due to air. HHV and LHV of coals fired are 10,000 and 9000 Btu/lb, respectively, and a furnace heat release rate of 80,000 Btu/ft2h (projected area basis) has been used. The values sw and Sf may be taken as 0.6 and 0.5, respectively; 25% is the excess air used. Water-wall outer temperature is 600°F. Ash content in coal is 10%.
Q = 80,000 = Wf ——
Ap f Ap
From combustion calculation methods discussed in Chapter 5, using 1 MMBtu fired basis, we have the following ratio of flue gas to fuel:
Wg 760 x 1.24 x 104 | 1 10
Wf = 10 + 1 — 100
= 10.4 lb/lb
Q = APSwSf s (Tg — T4) = Wf LHV — Wghe
Dividing throughout by Wf gives A
Wf SwSf S(Tg — T) = LHV — W/e
Ap/Wf = LHV/80,000 = 0.1125
Assume te = 1900°F. Then
Cpm = 0.3 Btu/lb °F
Tg = 1900 + 300 = 2200° F = 2660°R
Let us see if the assumed te is correct. Substituting for Ap /Wf, sw, Sf, s, Tg, Te in the above equation, we have (LHS = left-hand side; RHS = right-hand side)
LHS = 0.1125 x 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.173 x (26.64 — 10.64) = 2850 RHS = (9000 — 10.4 x 1900 x 0.3) = 3072
These do not tally, so we try te = 1920°F. Neglect the effect of variation in Cpm:
LHS = 0.1125 x 0.6 x 0.5 x (26.84 — 10.64) x 0.173 = 2938 RHS = 9000 — 1920 x 0.3 x 10.4 = 3009
These agree closely, so furnace exit gas temperature is around 1920°F. Note that the effect of external radiation to superheaters has been neglected in the energy balance. This may give rise to an error of 1.5-2.5% in te, but its omission greatly simplifies the calculation procedure. Also, losses occurring in the furnace were omitted to simplify the procedure. The error introduced is quite low.
It is desired to use a heat loading of 100,000 Btu/ft2 h in the furnace in Example
1. Other factors such as excess air and emissivities remain unaltered. Estimate the furnace exit gas temperature.
Q = 100,000 = wf ——
Ap f Ap
Al = ^HV_ = 0.09
Wf 100,000
= 10.4, te = 2000°F; tg = 2300°F
Wf g
Cpm = 0.3 Btu/lb °F; Tg = 2300 + 460 = 2760°R LHS = 0.09 x 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.173 x (27.64 — 10.64) = 2664 RHS = (9000 — 10.4 x 2000 x 0.3) = 2760
From this it is seen that te will be higher than assumed. Let te = 2030°F, Tg = 2790°R
LHS = 0.09 x 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.173
X [(27.9)4 — (10.6)4] = 2771 RHS = 9000 — 10.4 x 2030 x 0.3 = 2667
Hence, te will lie between 2000 and 2030°F, perhaps 2015°F.
The exercise shows that the exit gas temperature in any steam generator will increase as more heat input is given to it; that is, the higher the load of the boiler, the higher the exit gas temperature. Example 3 shows the effect of excess air on
What will be the furnace exit gas temperature when 40% excess air is used instead of 25%, heat loading remaining at about 100,000 Btu/ft2h in the furnace mentioned in earlier examples?
Q = 100,000 = Wf ——, — p = 0.09
Ap f Ap Wf
Wg 760 x 1.4 x 104
W =———— 106——- + 09 = 1L54lb/lb
Te = 1950°F, Cpm = 0.3 Btu/lb °F
Tg = 1950 + 300 + 460 = 2710°R
LHS = 0.09 x 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.173
X [(27.1)4 — (10.6)4] = 2460 RHS = 9000 — (11.54 x 1950 x 0.3) = 2249
These nearly tally; hence, te is about 1950°F, compared to about 2030°F in Example 2. The effect of the higher excess air has been to lower te.
If ew x Јf = 0.5 instead of 0.3, what will be the effect on te when heat loading is
100,0 Btu/ft2h and excess air is 40%?
Solution. Let
Te = 1800°F; Tg = 1800 + 300 + 460 = 2560°R LHS = 0.09 x 0.5 x 0.173 x [(25.6)4 — (10.6)4]
= 3245
RHS = 9000 — (11.54 x 1800 x 0.3) = 2768
Te = 1700°F; Tg = 2460°R
LHS = 0.09 x 0.5 x 0.173 x [(24.6)4 — (10.6)4]
= 2752
RHS = 9000 — (11.54 x 1700 x 0.3) = 3115
Te = 1770°F; Tg = 2530°R
LHS = 3091; RHS = 2872
Hence, te will be around 1760°F. This example shows that when surfaces are cleaner and capable of absorbing more radiation, te decreases.
In practice, furnace heat transfer is not evaluated as simply as shown above Because of the inadequacy of accurate data on soot emissivity, particle size, distribution, flame size, excess air, presence and effect of ash particles, etc. Hence, designers develop data based on field tests. Estimating te is the starting point for the design of superheaters, reheaters, and economizers.
Some boiler furnaces are equipped with tilting tangential burners, whereas some furnaces have only front or rear nontiltable wall burners. The location of the burners affects te significantly. Hence, in these situations, correlations with practical site data would help in establishing furnace absorption and temperature profiles. (See also p. 112, Chapter 3.)
A promising technique for predicting furnace heat transfer performance is the zone method of analysis. It is assumed that the pattern of fluid flow, chemical heat release, and radiating gas concentration are known, and equations describing conservation of energy within the furnace are developed. The furnace is divided into many zones, and radiation exchange calculations are carried out.
How is heat transfer evaluated in unfired furnaces?
Radiant sections using partially or fully water-cooled membrane wall designs are used to cool gas streams at high gas temperatures (Fig. 8.2). They generate saturated steam and may operate in parallel with convective evaporators if any. The design procedure is simple and may involve an iteration or two. The higher the partial pressures of triatomic gases, the higher will be the nonluminous radiation and hence the duty.
Figure 8.2 Radiant furnace in a water tube boiler. |
If a burner is used as in the radiant section of a furnace-fired HRSG, the emissivity of the flame must also be considered. As explained elsewhere [8], radiant sections are necessary to cool the gases to below the softening points of any eutectics present so as to avoid bridging or slagging at the convection section. They are also required to cool gases to a reasonable temperature at the superheater if it is used.
200,0 lb/h of flue gases at 1800°F has to be cooled to 1600°F in a radiant section of a waste heat boiler of cross section 9 ft x 11 ft. Saturated steam at 200 psig is generated. Determine the furnace length required. Flue gas analysis is (vol%) CO2 = 8, H2O = 18, N2 = 72, O2 = 2. Assume a length of 25 ft and that the furnace is completely water-cooled.
Surface area for cooling = (11 + 9)x2 x 25 = 1000 ft volume
Beam length = 3.4 x
Surface area
9 x 11 x 25
= 3.4 x———————————————— = 7.1 ft = 2.15 m
2 x (11 x 9 + 9 x 25 + 11 x 25)
Average gas temperature = 1700°F = 1200 K. Partial pressure of CO2 = 0.08, and that of H2O = 0.18. Using Eq. (28b),
K = (0.8 + 1.6 x 0.18)(1 — 0.38 x 1.2) x
Gas emissivity sg = 0.9 x (1 — e-0’2053 x 2 16) = 0.32 23
Let the average surface temperature of the furnace be 420°F (saturation temperature plus a margin). Then the energy transferred is
Qr = 0.173 x 0.9 x 0.3223 x (21.64 — 8.84) x 1000 = 10.63 MM Btu/h
Required duty = 200,000 x 0.99 x 0.32 x 200 = 12.67 MM btu/h
Where 0.32 is the gas specific heat. Hence the furnace should be longer. The beam length and hence the gAs emissivity will not change much with change in furnace length; therefore one may assume that the furnace length required = (12.67/10.63) x 25 = 29.8 or 30 ft.
If the performances at other gas conditions are required, a trial-and-error procedure is warranted. First the exit gas temperature is assumed; then the energy transferred is computed as shown above and compared with the assumed duty.
How is the distribution of external radiation to tube bundles evaluated? Discuss the effect of tube spacing.
Tube banks are exposed to direct or external radiation from flames, cavities, etc., in boilers. Depending on the tube pitch, the energy absorbed by each row of tubes varies, with the first row facing the radiation zone receiving the maximum energy. It is necessary to compute the energy absorbed by each row, particularly in superheaters, because the contribution of the radiation can result in high tube wall temperatures.
The following formula predicts the radiation to the tubes [8].
Where a is the fraction of energy absorbed by the first row. The second row would then absorb (1 — a)a; the third row, {1 — [a + (1 — a)a]}a; and so on.
1 MM Btu/h of energy from a cavity is radiated to a superheater tube bank that has 2 in. OD tubes at a pitch of 8 in. If there are six rows, estimate the distribution of energy to each row.
Solution. Substituting d = 2, S = 8 into Eq. (31), we have
2/8 2 |
A = 3.14 |
Sin 1 ( + p4 x 4 — 1 — 2
= 0.3925 — 0.25(0.2526 + VT5 — 4) = 0.361
Hence the first row absorbs 0.361 MM Btu/h.
The second row would receive (1 — 0.361) x 0.361 = 0.231 or 0.231 MM Btu/h.
The third row receives [1 — (0.361 + 0.231)] x 0.361 = 0.147 MM Btu/h.
The fourth row, [1 — (0.361 + 0.231 + 0.147)] x 0.361 = 0.094 MM Btu/h, and so on.
It can be seen that the first row receives the maximum energy and the amount lessens as the number of rows increases. For a tube pitch S of 4 in., a = 0.6575. The first row receives 0.6575 MM Btu/h; the second, 0.225 M Btu/h; and the third, 0.077 MM Btu/h. Hence if the tube pitch is small, a large amount of energy is absorbed within the first two to three rows, resulting in high heat flux in those tubes and consequently high tube wall temperatures. Hence it is better to use a wide pitch when the external radiation is large so that the radiation is spread over more tubes and the intensity is not concentrated within two or three tubes. Screen tubes in boilers and fired heaters perform this function.
A soot blower lance is inserted in a boiler convection section where hot flue gases at 2000°F are flowing around the tubes. If the water wall enclosure is at 400°F, what will be the lance temperature? Assume that the heat transfer coefficient between the flue gas and the lance is 15Btu/ft2h °F and the emissivity of the lance and the water wall tubes is 0.9.
The energy transferred between the flue gases and lance and from the lance to the water wall enclosure in Btu/ft2 h is given by
Q = hc(2000 — T)
= 0.173 x 0.9 x 0.9 x [(T + 460)4 — (400 + 460)4] x 10-8
T = lance temperature, °F
0.173 x 10- 8 is the radiation constant
Emissivity of lance and enclosure = 0.9
Actually, a trial-and-error procedure is required to solve the above equation. However, it may be shown that at T = 1250°F, both sides balance and Q = 11,250 BtU/ft2 h. At low loads, when hc = 5 and with other parameters remaining the same, what will be the lance temperature? It can be shown to be about 970°F and Q = 5150btu/ft2h.
Hence just as a thermocouple reads a lower temperature due to the radiation to the enclosure, the lance also will not reach the gas temperature. Its temperature will be lower than that of the gas.
Determine the size of a fire tube waste heat boiler required to cool 100,000 lb/h of flue gases from 1500°F to 500°F. Gas analysis is (vol%) CO2 = 12, H2O = 12, N2 = 70, and O2 = 6; gas pressure is 5in. WC. Steam pressure is 150psig, and feedwater enters at 220°F. Tubes used are in 2 in. OD x 1.77 in. ID; fouling factors are gas-side fouling factor (ft); 0.002 ft2 h °F/Btu and steam-side ff = 0.001 ft2h°F/Btu. Tube metal thermal conductivity = 25Btu/fth°F. Steam — side boiling heat transfer coefficient = 2000 Btu/ft2 °F. Assume that heat losses and margin = 2% and blowdown = 5%.
Use Eq. (4) to compute the overall heat transfer coefficient, and then arrive at the size from Eq. (1).
Hdo/d), _L
24Km h0
Hi, the tube-side coefficient, is actually the sum of a convective portion hc plus a nonluminous coefficient hn. hc is obtained from Q8.04:
Hc = 2.44 x w08 x —r-T c d/’8
At the average gas temperature of 1000°F, the gas properties can be shown to be Cp = 0.287 Btu/lb °F, m = 0.084 lb/fth, and k = 0.0322 Btu/fth °F. Hence,
C = x (0.0322)0-6 = 0.208