Архивы рубрики ‘BOILERS For POWER and PROCESS’

Heat Transfer

Heat transfer deals with the transmission of thermal energy from higher — to lower level by any one or a combination of the three classical modes, namely, conduction, convection, and radiation. The fundamentals of these heat transfer processes are individually simple, but the applications are complex because of the simultaneous occurrence of several modes of […]

Temperature-Entropy (T-s) Diagram

The T-s diagram in imperial units is shown in Figure 2.7, which is used for plotting the steam cycle and understanding the way the steam by weight (SBW) increases as the water is heated. Refer to Chapter 9, where the water and steam conditions of a typical SC boiler are plotted on a T-s diagram […]

Mollier Chart or Enthalpy-Entropy (H-s) Diagram

Total H-s chart in imperial units (Figure 2.5) as well as an extract of the relevant portion for boiler operation in SI (Figure 2.6) is included here for reference.

Steam and Water Properties

Reliable and accurate properties of steam and water are essential for boiler sizing and operation. For all practical purposes the existing tables are reliable and accurate enough for boiler design and acceptance despite minor differences among them.

Steam/Rankine Cycle

The purpose of raising steam in a boiler in a power plant is to expand it in a turbine to derive mechanical energy from heat energy (and with the help of a generator convert it into electrical power). The fully expanded steam (to vacuum levels) is converted back into water by cooling and condensing the […]


The density of saturated water, which is 958 kg/m3 (59.8 lb/m3) at 100°C, decreases with increasing pressure, as the saturation temperature increases, making the water expand. The density of steam, on the contrary, increases with increasing pressure as it is com­pressed. This density differential at any pressure is the driving force behind promoting circulation in […]

Laws for Steam and Water

• Water is an incompressible liquid and obeys all the laws of liquids. • Steam is a compressible vapor and obeys the laws of gases. • The wet steam is a mixture of water and steam and follows the laws of compress­ible fluids in a two-phase flow.


Boiling is the addition of latent heat at constant temperature. It is of two types. Consider heating water in a pan. When the heating is relatively low, bubbles form at the bottom and rise up, carrying heat with them. The bottom surface is always covered by the water film, which keeps the surface cool and […]

Heat and Flow

This is the most scientific chapter in the entire book. Combustion, heat transfer, and fluid flow are the subjects on which boiler technology is built. These disciplines involve myriad applications. Only certain facets of these subjects are applicable to boilers. This chapter tries to capture those relevant portions for a quick reference and recapitulation. Many […]

List of Performance Test Codes Relevant to Boilers Basics of Boiler Pressure Part Design

The PPs of a boiler consist essentially of rounds of three types categorized as (1) drums, (2) headers, and (3) tubes. The PP design of boiler components is primarily built around a thin shell of components, where the thickness is derived from the formula T = + c (1.15) 2f Where P = calculation pressure […]
